Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Motherless Daughter, Motherless Mother

My mom was amazing. She raised 6 kids, attended little leagues, was a brownie troop leader, sang in the choir, ran hot dog lunch day at our school, put Martha Stewart's sewing to shame and could out-cook Julia Child. She had an amazing sense of humor and never lost her cool. Friends were always welcome at our house and would usually find their favorite snacks in our fridge. The boys' girlfriends loved coming over because they were so welcome. Of course, I was sent to the basement to spy on them. My mom was no fool. She had foot surgery but didn't let that stand in the way of our family ski trip. She came along and everyone had a great time. Nothing slowed my mom down. She chaired the high school fundraiser and still cooked dinner every night. When she got sick, my dad stepped in. He worked full time, visited her in the hospital and we still had family dinner. After she died, he had big shoes to fill and he did it. We still had family dinner every night. When he traveled for work, I usually tagged along. He flew home overnight to see me off to prom. His secretary had firm orders to put ALL calls from children through immediately. She also knew never to leave a message "your son called". With 5 sons, this would only lead to confusion.

When I had my kids, I missed my mom more than ever. She would have loved being a grandma. All the grandkids love hearing about Grandma Bobbie. One of their favorite stores is when my dad complained about the neighbor kids' bikes ruining our grass, she calmly told him "we are growing kids, not grass." For her birthday one year, he had a plaque made with this phrase which she promptly hung up in the kitchen. The other favorite story was when someone pointed out that she was wearing 2 different shoes. She shrugged and went to the grocery store anyway. She loved people and didn't care what people thought. People still approach me and tell me how great she was. We were lucky to have her and miss her everyday.

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