Thursday, January 20, 2011

The world according to Sara

Sara has a plan. Actually, Sara always has a plan. They are usually very elaborate, thought out, entertaining and involve a lot of work for others (usually my dad). This plan is no different. Lately she has been studying all about tigers and lions. She plans on opening a "predator zoo" when she grows up so the animals can roam free and hunt. She promised my dad a job as a tour guide but warned him she didn't plan on paying him. The other day she decided that when she is 7, she would like my dad and Aunt Joan to include her on their annual trip. She has it ALL planned out. They will be going on an African photo safari. Being a bright and practical girl, her packing list includes her $26 (mostly conned from my dad), her camera and her field journal. Joanie can come but only if she buys a pair of boots because her "typical Joanie heels" won't be safe if they need to run from a predator animal. In the Jeep, she will sit in the middle so her Grumpy (my dad) can protect her. She thinks they should all stay in a cabin. She may bring a sleeping bag. But she may just decide to snuggle in with Joanie. She plans on bringing her Lambi because she cannot sleep without her Lambi and Lambi's biggest job in the world is keeping Sara safe. However, if shots are required, then Sara might change her destination to Disney. Either way, I think Joanie better start boot shopping.

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