Friday, December 30, 2011

Escape from mommy hood

My husband decided to surprise me for Christmas. My present was an escape to Chicago by myself. Yup, he was kicking me out of the house for 3 days. I'm such a nerd that I was thrilled. Maybe a little offended. Was this a gift for husband and kids as well? Three mommy-free days? Secretly I was excited. With his new job/promotion, he ha been putting in a lot of extra ours at the office so the kids and I have been fending for ourselves a lot. So, I got to work planning my mommy gone wild solo weekend. I made a reservation for tea for one at the Drake. I made a couple spa appointments. I was excited to spend a few days by myself with no duties or obligations. I could do what I want when I want without worrying about anyone else. I packed my gym shoes and a stack of books. Windy City, here I come. I buy my trains tickets like a pro, hop on the train and zone out. For about 10 minutes. Paul texted me to say that Sara has thrown up all over the car. Now I am in panic mode. Do I pull some lever, halt the train and hop off? Paul says no way. He can handle it. Since he is better in a crisis and doesn't get grossed out as easily as I do, I agree to stay on the train. I check into the hotel and head to the gym for a run. The day is off to a good start. I shop Michigan Avenue and have lunch. Getting a little tired and having no responsibilities, I decide to head back to the hotel. Unable to help myself, I check in at home. Christian and Sara have the flu and most of it has landed on Paul. Two hours later, I have the flu as well. I make it through the night convinced that I am being punished for abandoning my children in their hour of need. Recovered, I head out the next day to explore Lincoln Park and enjoy being by myself. The next day, I head to tea at the Drake. I'm a little self conscious that I am the only person there by myself. But, I have my book and no one is pointing, laughing and calling me a friendless loser. Turns out 3 days alone was just what I needed. I could set my own pace, explore, read and relax. Some people would go stir crazy being alone for 3 days. I loved it. I also loved getting off the train and seeing my kids grinning from ear to ear because mommy was home. I love being a mom but I also love having a break from being wife, mom, cook, maid, referee and chauffeur. My birthday is coming up. I wonder if he will kick me out again?

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